6 Most Crazy Home Remedies to Treat Diabetes- Crazy Tips
Home Remedies to Treat Diabetes- India is considered to be the diabetes capital of the globe. With approximately 50 million people suffering from this disease, our country has a huge challenge in front of it. First of all, we need to understand what diabetes is. An elevated level of sugar in the blood is known as diabetes.

There are basically 2 reasons because of which diabetes happens. One is when the body stops production of insulin and the other is when our body doesn’t respond to the insulin produced by our body. Insulin is mainly broken down by our body and then used in the form of energy which reaches the cells.
Below are some Home Remedies to Treat Diabetes–
Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd or bitter melon is quite helpful in controlling diabetes because of its blood-glucose-lowering effect. It influences glucose metabolism throughout the body rather than some particular tissue or organ.
Cow’s milk
Cow milk also helps in triggering the immunity which leads to inflammation. Sheep or goat milk isn’t harmful. In fact, it also helps in maintaining the level of blood sugar. But, the cow’s milk can be quite dangerous in case you’re suffering from any kind of diabetes.
Green tea
Unlike any other tea, green tea comes unfermented and has a high content of polyphenol. Polyphenol is a very strong antioxidant and hypoglycemic compound which helps in controlling blood sugar. It also helps our body in using insulin in a much better way.
Indian gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C and thus it helps in promoting proper functioning of the pancreas. Remove the seeds and grind it into a very fine paste. Strain this paste and extract the amla juice. Mix 2 tbsp. of the juice in one cup water and consume it empty stomach. It will help you in regulating the sugar levels.
Ginseng is basically the collective name for different species of plants. It helps in reducing fasting of blood sugar. The most common varieties are Japanese Ginseng, American Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng and Korean Ginseng.
Powdered cinnamon is capable of lowering the levels of blood sugar. It helps in stimulating insulin activities. It also contains bioactive components which help in preventing as well as fighting diabetes.
Several trials have proved that it is an efficient option for lowering blood sugar level in case of uncontrolled Type II diabetes.
There’s no permanent cure for this disease. But you can keep it in control by adhering to a good and healthy lifestyle. Just make sure to visit your doctor immediately in case you’re facing issues in controlling the blood glucose level. It’s a fact that you will have to take medicine for controlling blood glucose but you may try some of these home remedies. They are harmless and will definitely benefit you to a certain extent. The best part is that all the ingredients mentioned above are easily available in the market and thus you don’t have to make any extra efforts to get them.