Effects of Omega 3 Deficiency on Your Body


Deficiency of Omega- 3 mainly refers to insufficient or a low level of important long chain fatty acids. They need to regulate the immune, cardiovascular as well as the inflammatory pathways. A deficiency of any nutrient may be detrimental to our health. But, deficiency in Omega- 3 fatty acids presents most of the signs and symptoms of illness as compared to any other deficiency of nutrients.

Omega 3 Deficiency on Your Body

Given the significance to balance the Omega- 6 intakes with the Omega- 3 intakes, in case we’re deficient in Omega-3, we have greater risks of bad health and a number of diseases.

How Does Omega-3 Deficiency Affect The Body?

  1. Skin Related Problems
  • Dry skin, brittle or soft nails, and dry hair
  • Rough skin patches
  • Small bumps on your back
  • Atopic allergy such as eczema
  • Dry eyes
  • Dandruff
  1. Problems in Paying Attention and Concentration
  • Attention Deficit or hyperactivity
  • Inability to properly concentrate
  1. Mood-Related Problems
  1. Energy or Sleep-Related Problems
  • Fatigue
  • Poor quality of sleep
  1. Inflammation-Related Problems
  • Pain in the joints –Omega-3 also known as EPA can moderate the immunity system of the body and it also has an effect on the Rheumatoid Arthritis problem.
  • Omega-3 helps in reducing inflammation in joints, thus people suffering from Osteoarthritis supplementing with Omega-3 may expect to experience increased comfort in the stiff joints, especially during the morning.
Test to Measure RBCs level

In case you feel that you’ve got a reasonable intake of Omega- 3 in the diet, but you’re still presenting the symptoms of a deficiency, it might be very good to have fatty acids profile test for measuring the level of your RBCs. The Opti-O-3 is a good fingerpicking test which may be used at the home without needing the GP test and also includes fatty acids profile. It gives a full report which outlines the key inflammatory biomarkers and also recommends the personalized dose for bringing the biomarkers in the healthy targeted ranges-markers which have been validated scientifically as a very strong indicator of the long-term benefits.

Know the Right Level of Omega-3

Without knowing the level of Omega- 3 before actually embarking on the dietary changes or the supplementary regime, you might not take the right dose and thus you might not experience complete health benefits related to achieving the optimum Omega-3 levels. It’s absolutely possible that you might be taking more Omega-3 than you actually need. While there’s absolutely no harm in consuming Omega- 3 than actually needed, the test may help in identifying whether you’re lacking any particular Omega- 3s and thus enabling you in making better choices about kinds of foods and the supplements that you are going to consume.

Conclusion- Omega- 3 fatty acids are very crucial for the function and development of the human body. Also, Omega- 3 help in delivering some of the most powerful health-related benefits which make Omega-3 a significant part of the daily diet.

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